A beautiful piece. I just returned from a trip to England where we saw beautiful art, and also my travelling companion and I finally confessed to each other that we really really really like the gift shops in art galleries. Maybe even more than the gallery sometimes. 🤓😬

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What is it about those gift shops?! I spent a generous amount of time there myself this day. Thanks for your words, Karen!

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I think what I love about museum gift shops is how they cry out: "Oh - leaving so soon? Take some art with you, please, to remember us by!" And I can never resist the postcards.

I just finished your memoir, Karen, after hearing your lovely interview on The Habit Podcast. I'm not a minister's wife, but a friend to one (namely, Elizabeth). Your honesty infuses me with courage to give God my vulnerabilities to make holy.

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Thank you. That’s so good to hear. And…in art gallery gift shops lately I’ve bought a tea towel and a pillow cover. 🤓

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Sep 9Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

I loved reading this; I love the way you write. This reminded me of a time when my sister and I visited a local art museum. We were admiring a piece that was an intricate rendering of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. There were so many things to look at, we both got up close to take it all in. Suddenly behind us was someone from security telling us we were setting off an alarm because we were getting too close to the artwork. We were fine art admirers one minute and museum vandals the next!

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That is so funny, Patti! Who can fathom all these fine lines we tread every day without even knowing! Thank you for being here and for sharing your story— that was a real gift to me.

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Sep 9Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

You’re such a good writer, Elizabeth. I felt like I was right there with you. I could even smell the peanut butter on your sandwich. I’m an odd one who has always wanted to get called for jury duty. And I have, once, but I was also dismissed (even before watching a Justice League video).

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So kind of you, Heather. I do hope I get to sit as a juror someday!

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Sep 9Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Love it! And I'm glad you had a lovely art museum visit after!

Since becoming an adult I have been called up for jury duty on a 2-4 year interval (while my husband has never been called up for it, and wants to do it). I have never been selected, though I have sat through the selection process for a case. It's hard to keep a good attitude when it's so often! At the moment I haven't been called for a couple years (fingers crossed).

Our jury intro video looked like it was made in the 90's or 2000's. I didn't find it as inspiring. 🤣

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It was interesting to hear conversations in the room about frequency of summons! I do think there are some people who get called more than others somehow. So sorry your intro video was sub-par. I tried to find ours on the internet, but can’t!

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Sep 9Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

So beautifully written, Elizabeth. Every time I read something of yours it is a gift. Thank you.

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Thank you for your gift of encouragement to me, Dana. ❤️

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I may be the only reader that knows of your true. navigation “issues” and I find it funny only because I’ve been impressed with your new found navigation abilities that came with your marriage which I , coincidently , had to find to in order to get to you!! I’m glad you unexpectedly had a morning to yourself to find such awesome words to share with us —made my day so much brighter ❤️

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Haha— my navigational abilities did not change with marriage! Only the technology changed. Now my phone can get me anywhere! (But those paper maps hurt my brain, which is why I chose the paid parking garage.)

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Sep 10Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

"For you too", such a tender word from Jesus. I get all tied up in knots about our church too and I need those moments when He reminds me that she is - we are -His church, His bride. He is not cynical or frustrated or worried about us. He is glad and purposeful (but I do think sometimes grieved or sad). He will build His church. God bless you and Andrew as you labour with Him.

I particularly like going to art galleries alone.

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Oh, Amen, and thank you for your words and your blessing, Sarah! May God’s face shine upon you too, and give you peace. ❤️

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Sep 10Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Thank you. I really needed this today.

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I’m glad to know that these words helped you, Ken! Thanks for telling me so.

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Sep 10Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

My juror story is too long to share here, but I will have to tell you in person sometime. I would love to turn it into a novel, but I need a lot more practice with fiction, haha! And I love art museums, too!! Maybe one day we can go together ;)

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I will come to Nashville expecting a jury duty story from you! Can’t wait!

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It's also a sad and heavy story, so ... be prepared.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 12Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Both my jury duty summons came from states I no longer resided in: California (after I moved to Iowa for college) and Maryland (after moving to Minnesota). It's like no one misses me until I'm gone! I was relieved both times to have a good excuse of living hundreds of miles away.

But what I really came to say was that some of us, anyway, ARE depending on you. We are depending on you to tell us about Sturgeon moons and stolen Pissaros. And, especially, we are depending on you to tell us about the Interrupter of Lists. We are not at all sorry you missed the Justice League train, because your tale of missing it is a far better thing to us.

As Naomi Shihab Nye says,

"I want to be famous in the way a pulley is famous,

or a buttonhole, not because it did anything spectacular,

but because it never forgot what it could do."

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Oh friend, thank you for these words. ❤️

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Sep 14Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

This is so well-written, Elizabeth! The whole piece flows, and I love the repetition of the “look at me!” Thank you for this.

Your jury duty brings back memories of the two times I had to head into center-city Detroit and spent a couple mornings in the waiting zone. Both times I was called up to the halls above, but then dismissed. The most interesting one was after we were dismissed the judge called us all into the court room and told us how the process would have gone.

It took eight years of living here in East Texas before Kraig or I were called up, and I’ll say it’s much less stressful to pop fifteen minutes down the road to the pretty local courthouse than it was to navigate Detroit…and pay for parking!

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Thanks, Loren!! I wish a judge would have called us back to give us a behind-the-scenes tour!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

I had to do jury selection duty a few months ago. I was not called out but had to show up each day for a couple of days. Then I was called and made it to the box where they asked more discriminating questions. I had to respond. Then the lawyers put their heads together and a list of dismissed people were called out. I was dismissed then. I was not the felon, the cousin of the accused, the ex-parole officer, the woman who was a victim of a similar crime. I was not a TN fan, (there were a lot of TN fan stories go figure, from the Assistant District Attorney). Could that have been it? This troubled me, not knowing why I was excused. Or was it just that Jesus was answering our prayers, so I could go home and work in my garden? And that was my important work for the rest of the week!

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Gardening is very important work indeed. Thanks for reading, Donna!

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Sep 17Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

I really enjoyed your description of the beauty you experienced on your drive to Atlanta.

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Sep 18Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

"Sometimes I just need to look at the Church; I mean, really, just look at her. If I did, I would see strokes there not of my own hand." This. ❤️‍🩹 Grateful for your voice— your storytelling, your love for God's people. Thanks for writing this, friend.

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Thank you, Faith. That means a whole lot to me.

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