Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

A wonderful account in metaphor of this world we all live in because of the Fall. All creation groans for the day when this corrupt world shall put on the incorruptible; the time of the restitution of all things; but for the present this decaying world is held up by the "word of his power" which is ever a dispensation of grace. To all God's dear ones, underneath are the everlasting arms of His sustaining and loving care. Thank you.

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Thank you, Martin!

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Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Happy Birthday, Charlie! And Elizabeth, such good, strong words.

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My goodness, I didn’t know how much I needed this today…the reminder to make room for the grace of God when imagining the future. Thank you! And happy birthday Charlie!

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Someone I love very much battles that swallowing darkness, and I am holding my breath (figuratively) every day awaiting grace to come sweeping with magnolia magnificence. Thank you for these beautiful images of hope, Dear Friend, Cup-of-Cold-Water Writer, and not a moment too soon!

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Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

I loved your words, so beautifully crafted, and the message, a reminder of the truth of this life. I also immediately thought "what a lovely young mother, an encouraging wife, and grateful soul. You have a comfortable way with words, Elizabeth. This is a gift from God. Watching you use this gift surely brings Him great joy!

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Thank you so much for this encouragement, Sally!

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Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

A standing ovation for your words this morning! God is using your posting to strengthen a lot of foundations and shore us up. God says, "Trust Me in this." Even in this.

Many thanks for writing this, Elizabeth.

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Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Love this!

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Your story resonated with me in so many different ways, Elizabeth. I am the type of person who often says things like "the whole world is decaying." When I read that your husband is typically a "lemonade-out-of-lemons guy," as you succinctly put it, I understood the gravity of that statement in a new way—and the weight those kinds of statements carry for others. I also know well these kinds of moments—places so hopeless that you can't fathom finding the way out—and the peace that settles over us when, by God's grace, there is a way. I felt tremendously encouraged reading your account of this moment in time. Thank you so much for writing it.

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I’m so glad to hear that, Heather! Thank you for saying it.

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Jul 30Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Love this & needed it. Unreasonable grace is the perfect description. 💛🥹

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Jul 31Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

So ministering to me this morning. Really grateful for this.

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I’m glad to hear that, Cindy. ❤️

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Elizabeth, I was right there on the couch with you and Andrew. You drew me in, boy. I can't believe y'all had to take up all your flooring, both sets!

Your writing is so layered and beautiful, but especially wonderful was the deep truth of "all shall be well." Everything IS decaying around us, and that has terrified me since my illnesses. But those around me who sound the bells of hope are those carrying my mat to Jesus. Thank you.

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I want to print this comment out and frame it. Love you, dear Jamie. Thanks for ringing the bells of hope for me too!

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Aug 2Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Such a well-written and beautiful piece! Thank you!

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Thank you for reading, Gayle!

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Aug 3Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Wonderful. So glad you’re back.

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"Take courage, for one day this is all going to spill over into a deep and glorious laughter."

amen! thank you for this.

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Aug 14Liked by Elizabeth Harwell

Great post,Elizabeth!

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Thank you, Sam!

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